New SMILE procedure, a LASIK alternative offered in Houston, Texas at Slade & Baker Vision Center
When heavily immersed in a profession, you sometimes lose sight of what outsiders and the public may think about the surgeries and patients you are around daily. This happens to all of us lucky staff members at Slade & Baker Vision Center. We were the first clinical trial site in all of Texas to provide…
Read MoreGreat LASIK Patient Experience at Slade & Baker Vision Center
As you all know, we usually don’t take the time to sit in front of our computers and actually write a review when we had a GOOD experience. We usually only take the time to login, create a username/password and type (very loudly and strongly) when we are MAD, ANGRY or feel like we were…
Read MoreLASIK: Give yourself a gift this year. Better Vision? You deserve it! Use your FLEX dollars or your HSA before 2015!
LASIK: A Holiday gift to yourself! It’s that time of year again. We just passed Halloween but Christmass decorations are already up all over the mall! We haven’t even made it to Thanksgiving! Maybe you should be more pro-active like those little elves that hang the Christmas lights so early. Give yourself the gift you…
Read More“I COULD SEE!” – A LASIK story, from a patient’s eyes
We can write about what happens at our office any day of the week. We can explain to patients how LASIK works, how they will feel, the entire process. We can even show them videos and animations thanks to technology. However, hearing what happens from another party, in their own words, especially one of our…
Read MoreThe FDA passes TCAT LASIK software, the newest, and we believe the best, LASIK for many people.
The FDA has passed TCAT LASIK software, the newest, and we believe the best, LASIK for many people.While TCAT LASIK has been approved and used in Europe and the rest of the world for years, it is now available at Slade & Baker Vision Center.TCAT is a true custom treatment, based on the topography or…
Read MoreDoctors at Slade & Baker Vision Center featured on cover of Review of Ophthalmology
Slade & Baker Vision Center’s very own doctor is featured on this month’s cover of the Review of Ophthalmology! He discusses his thoughts regarding corneal crosslinking for keratoconus, LASIK surgery, phakic IOL’s, and the Visian ICL. Click here for the link. The Review of Ophthalmology is a very well-respected and well-read ophthalmology publication that is…
Read MoreLooking for better night vision?
Please click on the link below to watch one of our very own doctors discuss the advantages of the Visian ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens). This segment talks about the vision a patient would get at night and how important this is with the military patients that the doctors have treated. It’s a very interesting piece,…
Read MoreWhy should I have my LASIK done at Slade & Baker Vision Center?
Making a decision to have LASIK is not an easy decision for any patient to make. I mean, “it’s your eyes!” How many times do we hear that from patients?! The fact is, they are right. We wake up every morning and open our eyes to a world that we sometimes take for granted. Our…
Read MoreLasik Testimonial @ 11 days post surgery
“Would you tell Dr. Slade for me a HUGE THANK YOU! I am seeing 20/20. It is wonderful to see this great! I am just driving around Houston seeing things I have not seen in six years. I now believe in MIRACLES and the great Dr. Slade, Dr. Baker and their wonderful team. You changed…
Read MoreStephen Slade MD first Houston Ophthalmologist to use Sight Selector™
For many years, Stephen Slade MD has used computer based patient education with touch screens to help educate his patients about Cataracts, LASIK, and other eye conditions and diseases. Last month, Dr Slade and his partner, Dr. Richard Baker upgraded their patient education capabilities with Apple’s popular iPad2 and an iPad App called Sight Selector™…
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