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Read about how LASIK, IntraLASE, CK Surgery and other types of refractive surgery have improved the quality of life of these patients from Houston and around the world.

(Individual results may vary).

As a highly experienced ophthalmic surgeon, I chose laser cataract surgery based on the precision of the technology as well as the reputation of Dr. Slade. I believe the laser will add safety and better visual results to cataract surgery.
Ernst, First Ophthalmologist in the United States to have laser cataract surgery on his own eyes.
Laser cataract surgery with Dr. Slade was the easiest thing, it was all so comfortable. I don’t have to wear glasses now, it fixed my astigmatism and near vision! I trust Dr. Slade so much, I never worried about being the first laser cataract surgery patient in the whole country!
Lola the first patient in the United States to have Laser Cataract Surgery.
The first thing I did was go to the DPS Office and have my driver’s license changed – No Restrictions!! My colleagues are all very envious and I imagine you will be receiving some inquiries from quite a few of them.
I am continually amazed that I can see so well without relying on contacts or glasses! My family is getting tired of hearing me comment that “I can see this without glasses!” I am doing great!
I love my new LASIK eyes! Dr. Slade was the first in the US to do LASIK and has the latest technology. It only took a few minutes and didn’t hurt at all. I went out to dinner that first night!
LASIK Patient – Victoria
My eyes are doing great, and I couldn’t be happier…As of my last follow-up, my right-eye is 20/20 and my left eye is 20/25. I’ve gone back to work as an International Flight Attendant and am thrilled with no longer hassling with contacts and glasses on my 10 hour and longer flights to Europe and Asia.
Among the many firsts: (after surgery)

There are many thousands of stars in the sky at night
The moon has sharp features. No telescope required
Trees have leaves. Pine trees across the street have needles
Saw my lab at the back of my yard
Saw the back of my yard
Saw the numbers on my alarm clock when waking up
Watch TV laying down without smashing my glasses in my face
I was so happy with the whole procedure and things just keep getting better! It’s amazing how a 2 minute procedure can change such a big aspect of your life! Each night before I go to bed, I turn the TV on for a couple of minutes, just to appreciate the ability to do so!

Thanks for making the experience as comfortable and as successful as it could be! Going from 20/2000 to 20/30 has been more than I could imagine.
I can see a fly on top of a telephone pole!!!

In case you can’t tell, I am very pleased with the outcome. I was seeing 20/20 after one week. I couldn’t believe how quick and painless the whole thing was. I am amazed at this whole process. I still need reading glasses from time to time, but I knew that going in and it hasn’t been a problem. It still amazes me that I can open my eyes in the morning and see crystal clear…Thanks so much for everything!!
I can’t tell you how happy I am! I wish I could’ve done this a long time ago…With a 9-month old and a 20-month old, I had no time for contacts!

Thanks for making it such a nice experience. Everyone was very professional and nice. I’ll be sending more people your way…
It’s unbelievable the new world I have. I have no problems and have far better vision than I had with glasses. I had my one month follow up last week and the Doctor said I was doing great. I am really pleased and have referred you to many friends.
Thank you very much for all the trouble you took over me and giving me all the confidence I needed very badly.

I have never seen so well ever in my life. You have given me a new lease on life. Once again, many thanks.
I wish to express to all of you my extreme gratitude for all that you have done for me.

There are no words that adequately convey my thanks. The gift of sight which you have given to me will remain always on my mind and in my heart. May God continue to guide your skilled hands, allowing you to share this marvelous experience with many others. Thank you again.
I am an engineer, and pretty compulsive. I researched LASIK Houston and LASIK surgeons for a long time before I chose Dr. Slade. He fit the bill for me. He is the “Doctor’s Doctor” and actually wrote the main best selling textbook on LASIK He spent time and answered all my questions. Again, I’m compulsive and sometimes hard to please but Dr. Slade managed to pass all my tests. The surgery…went great. I see better than ever. Overall a great experience.
If you have cataracts I would recommend that you see Dr. Slade. He is such a nice young man & a very fine doctor. He & his associate Dr. Baker were very nice to me & now I can see so much better than when I had my cataracts.

Dr. Slade & Dr. Baker see me regularly now to make sure my eyes are healthy & that my reading glasses are OK. I really look forward to these visits. I so much enjoy talking with all my friends at Dr. Slade’s office.
Everything is going well. After 40 years in glasses and the last 20 in contacts, it is taking a bit to get used to being able to see. But that’s a task that I am more than willing to undertake.
Thanks Doc. Your professional ability will be remembered by myself always. I am fortunate to have this gift and you as my physician.
I can’t even tell you how happy I am! I wish I could’ve done this a long time ago. With a 9-month-old and a 20-month-old, I had no time for contacts! Thanks for making it such a nice experience. Everyone was very professional and so nice.
Eyes are fine, and I really love the results. No more hassling with contacts and glasses.
Thanks so much for your kindness. Things are looking better all the time!
The gift of sight that you have given to me will remain always on my mind and in my heart.
Who do I recommend for LASIK surgery? There is no question – Dr. Slade! He has performed LASIK on more DOCTORS, other eye surgeons than anyone in the world, over 350 other eye surgeons have chosen him for their own eye surgery. He has done tens of thousands of patients. Ask around, thousands of people can’t be wrong.
Still I am unable to find the correct words to express how I feel about the wonderful difference you have made in my life. Most people would think that you are just doing your jobs, but just choosing this type of work shows what special people you are.
I wanted to thank you personally for the excellent care you provided my wife… I know she can be trying with her questions. I appreciate very much every courtesy you and your staff afforded my wife.
Thanks a million for the successful surgeries that changed my vision from 1000+/20 to 20/20 with very little discomfort. I’ll refer you to all my friends…
I don’t know why I didn’t get this done earlier. The surgery went great. I see better than ever. Overall a great experience.
My life has changed — a major transformation in terms of psyche, career and life. A decision even I can’t neurose about. I can’t thank him [Dr. Slade] and his staff enough. I went for it, and it was a success.
This is the only place to go for treatment if you have keratoconus. The entire staff is compassionate and truly understand what you are going through and they have alternatives to this condition, other than simply giving you contact lenses to wear. I had Corneal Cross Linking surgery and it was the absolute best decision I ever made.

I cannot thank this place enough for treating my condition and providing me excellent eye care!
Corneal Crosslinking Patient – Andrell
Great Practice! I saw Dr. Walton for Lasik Surgery, and was very satisfied with my care by both Dr. Walton & the staff. Every appointment was punctual and they took a lot of steps to ensure that I was both prepared for surgery and healing correctly afterwards. I would strongly recommend this practice & Dr. Walton to others!
LASIK Patient – December 2016
Best office experience I have ever had at any doctors office. The staff was extremely nice and welcoming and I never had to wait. Everyone from the front seat, nurses, and all the doctors made me feel like I was important and they were willing to spend as much time as I wanted to answer any question I had. When my appointment time came up they were ready for me. My surgery was great and they make you feel comfortable and relaxed. If you are looking for a great team you need to look here.
Surgery Patient – October 2016
So glad I had my LASIK procedure at Slade and Baker. The staff was excellent. I live in Dallas and had a friend who had the procedure done by Dr. Slade recommend him. I visited an office here in Dallas for a consult but as soon as I spoke to Dr. Slade’s office I knew the drive would be worth it and I felt more confident in them. Very accommodating and professional. Never had to wait long and they explained everything to me.
LASIK Patient – August 2016
“Would you tell Dr. Slade for me a HUGE THANK YOU! I am seeing 20/20. It is wonderful to see this great! I am just driving around Houston seeing things I have not seen in six years. I now believe in MIRACLES and the great Dr. Slade, Dr. Baker and the wonderful team. You changed my life…”
LASIK Patient – November 7, 2011
This is the best eye doctor’s office I’ve ever been in. They truly care about their patients and they really know what they’re doing. I’m so glad I found them.
Surgery Patient – January 2017
I had my lasik surgery done at Slade and Baker a few weeks ago and the entire process was spectacular! I came in with a -10 & -12 eyesight and after wearing glasses and contacts for over 20 years and I can finally wake up in the morning and actually see my alarm clock! Everyone here is just wonderful but I am especially grateful for all the support from Chad, Jeanette, Dr. Essa, and Dr Slade. This is truly an unforgettable experience and I will continue to recommend them to everyone I know!!
LASIK Patient – July 2016

Jim Dozier, J.D.


As with many baby boomers, I wore glasses to read. In the past, God had blessed me with fine eyesight. That is until I reached the age of 40. One fateful morning, I noticed I needed larger print or longer arms. So, my first reading glasses were purchased. That was almost 15 years ago. As aging marched on, it seemed each succeeding five years I needed more amplification. I wanted another choice, not more glasses. My search began.

For a few years RK, PRK, Lasik, and other methodologies were helping those with vision problems, particularly those that were nearsighted. All my inquiries regarding my problem were met with, “Sorry, it is a natural aspect of aging.” That is until recently when I read about the potential of Conductive Keratoplasty (CK). Thus begins my diary.

The Search:

One morning the newspaper ran an advertisement about a new treatment for those that were over 40 and with reasonably good vision, but needed glasses to read. It was called CK. After perusing the internet and reading about the procedure, I sought out a doctor.

Several phone calls led me from some that did not know what I was inquiring about to others that claimed to be the best in town. From these calls, I assessed one that appeared to be professional and competent. I made an appointment and was off for my first office visit. After arrival, I was given a through eye exam. I hustled from one person to another. It reminded me somewhat of an assembly line. I never did see a Medical Doctor. The facility was nice and the people friendly. However, the final person I saw was non-medical office staff. I was told I was not a good candidate for CK, but could be helped with Lasik surgery. It was explained, afterwards, I would have a type of mono vision. After receiving the financial details and a pretty package of materials, I walked out with out scheduling my surgery. This was not what I wanted or turns out, needed.

From what I had researched, I thought I fit the perfect profile for CK. So, back to the internet I went. A few weeks passed until I found another source that met my stringent requirements of qualifications and experience. March 18, 2003, I visited Slade and Baker Vision Center. I again received a through eye exam and was told, unlike the other clinic, I was an excellent candidate for CK. The visit and personnel at the Slade & Baker impressed me and exceeded my expectations. It was not the hustle and bustle I witnessed in other offices. It was not the cheapest, but not totally out of line with other prices I had obtained. Besides, when considering surgery on my eyes, I wanted the best, not the cheapest. I believe in the old saying, “you get what you pay for.” My surgery was scheduled for March 20, 2003.

There exist many accounts of the experiences of Lasik and other procedures. I could not find details of people experiencing CK. Therefore, I decided to write of my personal observations of CK, up close and personal. Here are the details of my experience.

Surgery-Day 1:

I arrived for surgery at 11am. My wife was with me as designated driver. You will need one. After preliminary paper work was completed, another consultation and eye exam was conducted by Dr. Baker. I then returned to the lobby and waited a few minutes until I was called for post operation instructions. You will be given a belt purse containing a few medications and a pair of inexpensive, yet stylish, sunglasses. ( Note: When you schedule your surgery, you are given a prescription for antibiotic eye drops. The drops cost approximately $35.00) you are also asked to wear cloth booties over your shoes and a hair net while in the surgical suite.

Immediately prior to surgery, you will meet with Dr. Slade in an office for a final eye exam and review of the procedure. You can then ask any other questions or address any concerns you may have. My wife was welcomed in the consultations. Then you are off to the surgical suite. Your family can actually watch your procedure via a plate glass window and up close TV monitors. Wear comfortable clothes.

In the suite, your eyes are treated with drops that numb your eyes and your eyelids disinfected with an iodine solution. You are offered a valium to help you relax during, and or after the treatment.

You are asked to lie on a comfortable table. The doctor directs a red light towards your face. You are asked to look the light. There is no feeling of claustrophobia as you are in an open area. A device is then placed on your eyelids to keep them open. I should say now, neither this, nor any of the procedure is painful. After you look at the red light for a few seconds, the doctor places a pattern on your eye to follow during the procedure. As you continue watching the light, the operation commences. You see a few blurring moments, but no sensation. It is over in a very short time. No more than a few minutes. If necessary, as it was in my case, the procedure is repeated on the other eye. Then you are done. Painless!

When you sit up things appear blurred. Shortly, it clears. I said it is painless, but not with out a little discomfort. That comes with the feeling you have sand in your eyes. For those of you that have worn contacts, it is also like having a contact inserted improperly. My eyes watered and were sensitive to wind and bright light. On went the furnished sunglasses. I was done. From the time I walked into the office until I departed was approximately 2 hours. My wife and I went to lunch.

As we drove from the office, my eyes felt like grit was under the lids. However, I could see. The worst part was my tearing. My eyes watered and I had to blow my nose, but no pain. At the restaurant things were still a little blurry, but I did fine. You are given some eye numbing drops which you are to use only the first few hours after surgery. I only used them once. That was at the restaurant.

After lunch we went home, I took the valium and napped. When I awoke, I started the antibiotic eye drops and placed a cool compress over my eyes. It was scratchy and not comfortable, but no pain. It was as if you went to the beach and a gust of wind had deposited grains of sand in the eyes.

At bedtime, I was still tearing. My eyes were also swollen. It appeared as if I had been crying for a long time. I placed the eye-shields (provided) over my eyes and fell asleep. Once during the night, I placed more of the artificial tears (provided) in my eyes. I highly recommend you obtain some eye drops, of the same brand, that are thicker and suited for night time use. I slept well.

The Follow up -Day 2

When I woke, my eyes were bloodshot and still gritty, but no pain. There was mucus on my lashes that easily cleared with water. I went to obtain my morning coffee and the newspaper. Although my eyes were still a little teary, I was able to read the paper for the first time in fifteen years unaided with glasses! I admit the eyes tired quickly, but it was a fantastic feeling.

I showered, dressed and drove myself the approximately 75 miles to the clinic for a 9:15am appointment. I could see fine. My eyes did not focus perfectly at a distance and I was light sensitive. However, this did not affect my ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. I was reminded of my new reading vision as my cell phone rang and I saw the number calling me without fumbling around for my reading glasses.

The visit at the clinic was short. It amounted to a simple eye test and a look in the eyes by both Dr. Baker and Dr. Sloan. Within the hour I was out and about. I spent the remainder of the day shopping. It was a bright day, so sunglasses helped reduce the glare. I did fine.

After arriving home about 5pm my eyes were fatigued. I had utilized both the antibiotic drops and artificial tears during the day. They did feel good on the eye. A cool compress placed over my eyelids as I rested on the couch did the trick. In about 30 minutes I was feeling much better.

As the evening wore on, I noticed the scratchiness was easing. Instead of an eye full of sand, it was feeling like only a grain or two. The whites of my eyes were still red, but the swelling I had in the eyelids was greatly reduced. I put in my last antibiotic drops for the evening, placed the shields over my eyes, and to sleep I went.

Recovering-Day 3

It was a Saturday. My wife and I had a full day of errands. With the eye drops and sunglasses, it was no problem. There was still redness in the eyes and a scratchy feeling. It was much improved though. I was well on my way to recovery. The distance blurriness I had been experiencing was getting better, as was my sensitivity to bright light. It was an easy day.

Recovering-Day 4

I was off to church and for the first time in years did not need my glasses. I was reading unaided! I was almost normal. The redness and irritation was virtually gone. You can tell your brain and eyes are working to coordinate focusing, but it is working. I needed the drops less and only needed the sunglasses when in full sun.

Recovering-Day 5

You could not characterize my eyes as perfectly normal, but almost. I can definitely state my recovery is well on its way. My next doctor’s appointment is four days hence. I assume they will just assure the eye is healing properly and no infection is evident. As far as I can tell, I am doing very well.

Recovered-Day 14

Things are excellent. My eyes feel normal. My ability to function without glasses is beyond my expectations. The distance vision took a little time to adjust, but it is no problem. I experience no glare while driving after dark. My reading vision is really good except in fine print, low light conditions.This surgery was a great choice for me.I do not believe further entries in this account are necessary. I have been told it may take up to 3 months to experience the full benefit of my CK. From my personal perspective, it is good now and can only get better. In the event problems arise I will update my journal. However, I do not anticipate any.


Eye surgery is nothing to take lightly. It is serious business. Do your research. Be informed as to what to expect and what not to expect. Choose your surgeon wisely. Do not be “A penny wise and a pound foolish.”

As for me, I am delighted both with the results and the professional staff at Slade & Baker. Would I recommend you undertake this option (CK) if you are an appropriate candidate? Only you can answer that question. I can tell you this. As soon as we save the funds for another surgery, my wife is scheduling her CK. I will be her designated driver and also will be glasses free!

It was my desire to give an honest and open evaluation of my experience with CK. I hope you find my diary of interest and use as you seek better vision.

Jim Dozier, J.D.,
Ph.D.Montgomery, Texas

I am writing this to express my appreciation for what you and your staff have done for me.

Glasses and contact lenses have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Last year I was faced with the possibility of no longer being able to wear contacts. The vision I had with glasses was so poor that I could not pass a driving eye test. This left me with two options: wear glasses and give up driving and my livelihood or have surgery on my eyes and pray.

The latter was my choice, so after some researching I scheduled LASIK surgery…All the pain, worry and money were of no consequence when compared with the results.

For the first time in over fourteen years of marriage, I can actually see my husband’s face when I kiss him goodnight right before we turn the lights off.

…My gratitude is so deep that to speak of it always brings me to tears…Still, I am unable to find the correct words to express how I feel for the wonderful difference you have made in my life. Most people would think that you are just doing your jobs, but just choosing this type of work shows what special people you are.


If you are having any doubts about having the LASIK procedure, read on.

I am a board certified ophthalmologists with a busy cataract-refractive surgery practice in New York City. I have been doing for a long time, and probably know too much about refractive surgery. So who more nervous and scared about having refractive surgery on themselves than me – nobody. I thought about everything – my wife and kids, home and mortgage, career, playing tennis, etc.

I thought about it long and hard for 3 years. But I could not wear my contacts anymore – I became intolerant. Sure I wore glasses – sunglasses all the time (even at night) yet I became depressed. As a friendly outgoing person, I became withdrawn. I even worked without glasses and contacts. Having been a Rhodes scholar – world class Olympic fencer I even stopped sports. Even worse.

So when I decided to go for it – who? Didn’t have to research as an outsider – patient but I knew. Didn’t trust anybody in NYC – either ophthalmologists I trained or ones who trained me in LASIK I decided (don’t forget I’m also very neurotic) without reservation on Dr. Stephen Slade – a colleague, highly respected refractive surgeon and superb technician. Also he’s a good Southern guy. Over 100 ophthalmologists picked him for a reason.

My life has changed – a major transformation in terms of psyche, career and life. A decision even I can’t neurose about. I can’t thank him and his staff enough. I went for it and it was a success.


I am a very active person & my eyes are really important to me. I can’t stand having anyone even getting close to my eyes yet alone touching them. I couldn’t wear contacts because I just couldn’t deal with sticking them in my eyes, but glasses were definitely interfering with my sports.

So, as you can imagine, when I started considering laser refractive surgery I wanted the very best doctor I could find. I researched refractive procedures & doctors for over a year & I can tell you there are some very disturbing issues on the Internet related to these procedures.

But, several of my friends have had LASIK & are doing very well. So well, that I finally overcame my fear & decided to visit the three doctors who were recommended to me. All of these doctors seemed to be very confident & experienced, but only one really took the time to understand my particular concerns & offer me a number of options for the correction of my vision. Dr. Slade, Dr. Baker & their staff thoroughly examined my eyes with equipment I did not see at the other offices & explained everything is minute detail.

I decided to proceed with LASIK I was an absolute basket case on the day of surgery, but Dr. Slade & his staff took a great deal of time to calm my fears & before I knew it the procedure was done.I went home & when I woke up the next morning, I COULD SEE!!! I am now more active than ever & I am really enjoying life without glasses. I see Dr. Slade & Dr. Baker on a regular basis & I can’t tell you how much I appreciate their caring & skill in helping me get through refractive surgery.

Without a doubt, if you are considering refractive vision correction, go see Dr. Slade. He combines “high tech” with “high touch”


How did I find a doctor I trusted to do my refractive surgery? Well, I took my mother to see Dr. Slade for her cataract surgery, after a friend recommended him. I was impressed at the attention Dr. Slade & his staff gave to my mom. They spent a great deal of time with her & answered every one of her questions and if you know my mom there were lots of them.

Mom went ahead & had her cataract surgery & she’s doing great, so during her last visit I asked Dr. Slade about refractive surgery. He asked me a number of questions & then asked Dr. Baker, his associate, to take a quick look at me. Well, a quick look turned into a 30-minute discussion of important issues related to refractive surgery & to the alternatives I had not only to correct my vision, but also to possibly improve it.

I researched the information I had been given, asked some of my friends about their refractive surgery, went to several vision correction seminars & finally decided that DR’s Slade & Baker were the ones I would entrust my vision to, hands down.

Their genuine caring & hands on approach combined with their state of the art facility & equipment gave me the confidence to go ahead with refractive surgery. Here I am one year later seeing better than I ever have before & really enjoying life without contact lenses.

If you are thinking about refractive surgery, I would suggest you do your homework & learn as much as you can about these procedures. Talk to people who have had the surgery and if you value your eyes as much as I do, talk with Dr. Slade & Dr. Baker.


There are literally hundreds of doctors performing refractive eye surgery in the country & when I started to consider refractive surgery, frankly I didn’t know who to go to. But, as I started to investigate the variety of options for vision correction, Dr. Slade’s name kept popping up.

So, after going to several doctors for consultation & information, I finally visited Dr. Slade & I can tell you there is no comparison. Dr. Slade is by far the most experienced refractive surgeon in the area. He introduced LASIK to the United States in 1991, performing the first LASIK in North America along with Stephen Brint. In fact, virtually all surgeons who now do LASIK learned from Dr. Slade.

But more importantly, Dr. Slade & Dr. Baker were not just interested in scheduling me for LASIK. Unlike several of the other practices I visited, they spent a great deal of time with me discussing my options and in their works “were more interested in making sure my vision would be as good as it could be rather then performing a specific vision correction procedure”. They performed a whole battery of special tests with some really cool advanced equipment and after a great deal of discussion, WE decided that LASIK would be the best alternative for my particular vision problem.

Well, I went ahead with LASIK and it’s like a whole new world. I don’t know why I didn’t get this done earlier. Do I recommend LASIK? Well based on my experience LASIK may not be the best alternative for you. But, if you are interested in refractive surgery, I would certainly recommend Dr’s Slade & Baker as the practice you should visit.


When you walk into a Doctors office you always wonder how fast you will be seen and how well you will be treated. I recently had LASIK and SMILE surgery done and I had to make two office visits. One to get measurements and one for the surgery. Both of those times were simply amazing. I have never met that many nice people in my life at a Doctors office. From the beautiful front counter receptionist all the way to the Doctors themselves everyone had a kind heart. They didn’t seem like any other office where employees wanted to get their hours and go home. They always looked as if it was home for them and did everything in their power to make me feel at home and comfortable. Even during the surgery a nurse sat beside me and held my hand. She didn’t have to pull my hands out of my pockets, but she did and that gave me all the the reason to believe that I was in the best of hands. Thank you Slade & Baker for giving me the opportunity to wake up every morning and to see just how beautiful my wife is without having to grab my glasses first.

-LASIK/SMILE Patient – April 2016

I am so pleased with my “new” eyes! As predicted, my distance and computer vision is perfect and I really enjoy being without the necessity of glasses. The surprise is that after 4 weeks, I am still reading up close (in good light) without glasses. You told me to expect that to go away in a few days but it has not. I do use my 1.0 readers to avoid straining when necessary, but often, I just don’t need them. I am amazed.

Many thanks for the great treatment. I FEEL like you and your staff went to extra lengths to diagnose what I needed to achieve this and I KNOW that you altered your normal schedule to get me out quickly, so you are much appreciated.

Best regards
G.P. (had laser cataract surgery on November 2, 2011)

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