Cataract surgery houston,Light adjustable lens

We have shared countless patient experiences, but it is rare one makes us need a tissue. This story is about what happens when someone goes that Extra Mile. A Patient Experience with the Light Adjustable Lens.
Mr. Taylor was referred by his optometrist to Slade & Baker Vision for cataract surgery.
Mr. Taylor had a complicated issue as he had had radial keratotomy (RK) surgery in the 1990’s. RK surgery was created in 1974 and actually paved the way to LASIK: it was a refractive surgical procedure to correct myopia/nearsightedness. Unfortunately, as in Mr. Taylor’s case, RK is now a contraindication to LASIK and to some premium lenses for cataract surgery. What used to be recommended (RK) for myopia is now something that patients struggle with when needing further vision surgery.
From the moment he walked into our clinic, Mr. Taylor states “I was very impressed with the initial evaluation and how everything was so well explained. They explained all of my options to me.”
Because of the RK complication, Mr. Taylor had a choice. His surgeon at Slade & Baker Vision, Dr. Bennett Walton, would either have to work on calculations to estimate the type of lens he would need, or, Mr. Taylor could choose to move forward with a brand new lens technology called the Light Adjustable Lens, which would allow him the flexibility of adjusting the lens power after surgery.
Mr. Taylor thought to himself “Well, this is a quality of life issue. I am 67 and want to see as best I can for as long as I still have.”
He decided to go forward with the LAL procedure, completed his follow up appointments for the LAL adjustments and now is so happy to share about his vision:

“My vision is better than its been my entire life, I see better than I did as a kid. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was a freshman in college. When I used to play golf before this surgery, I’d hit the ball and my buddies would have to tell me where it went. They were blown away now when we played, because I can actually see where my own ball is now!”
One of the important parts of Mr. Taylor’s reason for choosing LAL is the five most important parts of his life now, his grandkids – who he had not been able to see and hug since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
How did his surgery help him achieve this you ask? Well, the LAL procedure helped Mr. Taylor actually ‘see’ his grandkids, but the best part of the story is about the hugs.

We have a technician at Slade & Baker, Sonia, who had met Mr. Taylor during his evaluations and surgery, and who had heard from him about his desperate search for a vaccine appointment, so that he could be with his family.
Mr. Taylor said Sonia sent him 2-3 emails a week with different vaccine opportunities, until finally, one glorious day, he and his wife were able to schedule immediately and get their vaccines.
“I asked Sonia how she remembered about helping me” and Sonia sent Mr. Taylor a photo of her monitor at Slade & Baker Vision, where there sat a sticky note with a reminder to keep him updated on vaccine opportunities.
Mr. Taylor replied to this picture with a picture of him hugging his 5 grandchildren.

“I was born with a pediatric heart condition which the doctors told my parents would not allow me to live past infancy. I have 5 grandbabies now, but until I got here, I have been in and out of hospitals and doctors’ offices my entire life. I have been disappointed and let down my whole life when offices have promised to follow up with me about important items and procedures, and here is an eye doctor’s office going that extra mile.”
We got teary eyed hearing him talk about how much that meant to him, and how much his new vision means to him in living his day-to-day life and enjoying the time he has with those 5 grandchildren he treasures.
We feel so lucky to have been able to make such a difference in Mr. Taylor’s life and in his vision and appreciate when patients share these experiences with us!
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a cataract, has suffered vision loss or is experiencing blurry vision, please call us today at 713-626-5544 or write us at to schedule an evaluation with our surgeons!