In the last 30 days:
- Google searches for “LASIK surgeon near me” have increased 70%
- People proclaiming LASIK as the “best decision” they’ve ever made are up 100%
- Patients recommending LASIK to others is up 26%
- Mentions of “I got LASIK” are up 27%
The surge in “LASIK surgeon near me” Google searches have made it the top trend related to LASIK.
As one of our recent LASIK patients shared on her Instagram story, many patients are logging into their social media accounts to share with their friends and followers that LASIK was “the best decision” they ever made.
Word of mouth has started to increase with many happy LASIK patients taking to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to share their personal experiences, what LASIK feels like and what the post op period is really like. They are providing ‘an inside look’ into the LASIK procedure for everyone who is interested and struggling with their contact lenses or glasses.
We have found that this personal commentary about their experience is really helpful to patients that are on the fence about laser vision correction surgery.
These conversations on social media have increased positivity and increased interest in all laser vision correction procedures including LASIK, PRK and SMILE.
The Review of Ophthalmology’s August issue explored the demand in LASIK as practices were reopening amid the pandemic. They found in their preliminary analysis of their consumer data that there was indeed interest in potential laser vision correction patients which denotes that there is soon to be a likely uptick in LASIK in the U.S.

Did you know that Slade & Baker Vision doctors were the FIRST in the U.S. to perform LASIK, All-Laser LASIK, and Laser Cataract Surgery? As a result, our doctors have the longest experience in the nation in these and other procedures. Over 400 other eye surgeons have chosen Slade & Baker Vision to perform their own eye procedure!
Being the first practice to perform LASIK in the U.S. gives us the ability to say we have had the longest experience with LASIK in the country, and therefore, you can feel confident that we have seen changes in technology and all that laser vision correction has undergone in the last 30 years. When you are ready to trust your vision to a surgeon, who would you trust?
If we can answer any questions about the LASIK procedure or the recovery process after the procedure, please give us a call at 713-626-5544 or write us at info@visiontexas.com.