Lasik options,Lasik surgery,Myopia houston,Ophthalmology houston

In the current world we live in, with the current political landscape which constantly feels like no one can get along, it is comforting to know that there is something that the vast majority of people can actually agree upon…
Apparently, it’s LASIK.
There is a 95.4% patient satisfaction rate with LASIK
According to one study, ‘Vision-related quality of life has been shown to be similar in emmetropes and post-myopic refractive surgery patients. Glasses and contact lens wearers report poorer vision-related quality of life.’
According to another study: “Myopia corrected with spectacles or contact lenses had a negative impact on some areas of vision-related quality of life. However, individuals with myopia who had refractive surgery enjoyed the same vision-related quality of life as those with emmetropia. The potential improvement in vision-related quality of life should be considered when recommending treatment for myopia.”
To explain: Emmetropia is what we consider a ‘desired condition.’
It is the refractive state of an eye in which parallel rays of light entering the eye are focused on the retina, which create an image that is perceived as crisp and in focus. Being ‘emmetropic’ is essentially the goal of everyone who comes into Slade & Baker Vision for a LASIK consultation.
All the different vision conditions that cause us the need to wear glasses and contacts, which include: Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all considered “abnormalities” of emmetropia.
So, based on the conclusions from both of the studies above, post LASIK patients and ‘emmetropes’ (people born with great vision) have a much higher ‘vision-related quality of life’.

Statistics are always great to read, but our patients have shared that sometimes, hearing from a friend or other loved one about their actual experience as a LASIK patient makes things more real:
Three weeks ago, I had LASIK eye surgery performed on both eyes by Dr. Walton. It was the best experience and by far the best decision I have ever made. I felt confident about the procedure due to the meticulous care taken to ensure the correct prescription and to accurately map my eyes in the days and weeks leading to the operation. In addition, the office has taken great care during COVID-19 to ensure safety during your time in the office. Dr. Walton took time to get to know me and explain the procedure to me, as well as helped to talk me through the procedure as he performed it. By the evening after surgery, I could already tell an incredible difference in my eyesight. I was happy to share my progress with Dr. Walton when he took time to call me in the evening to make sure I was well after the procedure. Within two days, I was experiencing better than 20/20 vision and currently am seeing at 20/15 vision. I experienced no pain or discomfort during or after the procedure and the office was great at explaining my post-operative home care so it was very easy to follow (they provided all of the tools and a checklist as well). Getting LASIK has absolutely changed my life, and I cannot recommend it enough. [Google Review on Slade & Baker Vision by a 2020 patient]
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? What is holding you back? Is it the price? Is it the fear of the unknown?
We are here to talk with you through the decision process, discuss the benefits, the potential disadvantages and even connect you with past patients of ours who have gone through with LASIK. Call us today to make an appointment for a free LASIK consultation at 713-626-5544. Even if you don’t choose to move forward right away, you will at least know your options!
Solomon KD, Fernández de Castro LE, Sandoval HP, et al. LASIK world literature review: quality of life and patient satisfaction. Ophthalmology. 2009 Apr;116(4):691-701. doi: PMID: 19344821
2nd reference: Chen CY, Keeffe JE, Garoufalis P, et al. Vision-related quality of life comparison for emmetropes, myopes after refractive surgery, and myopes wearing spectacles or contact lenses. J Refract Surg. 2007 Oct;23(8):752-9. doi: PMID: 17985794.