“I could see my wife’s bridal portrait on top of the piano, I could actually see her face.”
David B. told us that he had struggled with glasses and contacts for years. He was told he would eventually need reading glasses but if he had LASIK, he would potentially be able to have at least 5 years of distance vision, with no glasses or contacts.
For someone dealing with safety glasses and goggles at work every day, 5 years was worth it. David B. works in critical equipment for power plants in the oil and gas industry. A world we are all too familiar with here in Houston where steel-toed boots are a must. David B. works in an air-conditioned office, but then also has to go outside to a shop.
How many of you reading this blog have experienced your glasses fogging up due to that temperature change? Especially here in hot, humid Houston!
David B was faced with the question every morning: glasses or contacts? Will I need to take my prescription safety glasses or will I be using safety goggles over my contacts?
Seems like a simple question, but when you have to do it every single morning, it gets tedious and old. David B put it best when he said: “When you have to vote against doing something due to glasses, it really starts to make an impact in your life.”
Luckily, David B.’s prescription was not severely high when he decided it was time for him to make a change, so a past LASIK patient referred him to us at Slade & Baker Vision Center.
“Very few doctors have a firm handle on their schedule. Dr. Slade has a very firm handle. The staff is second to none. They are professional, it is a very classy atmosphere and they described the entire process so well. They told me what they would do and why, they described everything.”
David B. remembers coming in the morning of surgery and his mother was able to watch his entire procedure through the glass. When he went home and took a nap, he woke up 2 hours later (the same day of surgery) and through a tiny fog could see better than he could ever see before.
“I had dinner with my parents that night and I remember looking around the room and seeing things across the house I could never see before. He remembers seeing his wife’s face in a photo on top of the piano across the room, something he could have never picked up on before surgery, and this was the actual night of his surgery!
He can now see the company names of trucks as they are driving by his office.
At his post operative appointment, David’s left eye and right eye individually were 20/20, and with both eyes together his vision was even better than 20/20, he was 20/15!
David B. went from worrying about glasses or contacts at work, putting glasses in a dirty cup holder on a treadmill at the gym, to now boarding a cruise ship to Belize where he will be able to swim underwater with ZERO contacts or glasses or hassle.
Congratulations to him and a VERY big thank you for sharing his experience. He told our staff that he would offer to hold up a sign on the road for us saying “I had LASIK at Slade & Baker Vision Center!”
We may take him up on that offer when he gets back from Belize!
If you ask yourself the same question every morning, or your glasses fog up, give us a call at
. You can also learn more about LASIK on our website, please click here. It is always a good time to be glasses & contacts free!