We can write about what happens at our office any day of the week. We can explain to patients how LASIK works, how they will feel, the entire process. We can even show them videos and animations thanks to technology. However, hearing what happens from another party, in their own words, especially one of our patients is the most valuable, real feedback there could be. This was a testimonial a patient willingly shared on the internet and we are sharing with our followers! Thank you so much for the kind words but most of all for providing the story to future potential LASIK success stories! Please see below for a real-life “LASIK experience” from consultation to end!
My experience was phenomenal. Very professional and courteous employees. I was given the best customer service throughout. I was talked to respectfully and pleasantly. I felt comfortable and cared for immediately. I noticed how thorough Dr. Baker was to evaluate my eyes and talk about the process with visuals. I was quoted an amount and did some more research about other surgeons (reading reviews and getting more quotes). I came back because comfort seemed to be missing from other offices.On the day of surgery my eyes were very thoroughly reevaluated by several employees and machines. Dr. Baker and Dr. Slade checked my eyes and answered questions. My eyes were washed and numbed, given a Valium. I entered the dark room for the procedure. One wall is glass so my husband was able to watch (not up close but he could see I was there and I was okay).
An employee welcomed me in and asked how I was doing. She walked me over to the table reassuredly. She held my hand! Whichever eye was being worked on, she held that hand! I loved it cause I felt like family was there and I squeezed it once cause it was so humbling to be that vulnerable.
I was told I would feel pressure and to look at the green light. My eyelid was propped open by Dr. Slade, the machine came down and my site was clouded by my cornea being cut, and the green light was gone. So I looked in its vicinity. A red light activated and there was a burning scent. Dr. Slade smoothed over my eye. This was repeated on the other eye. Less than 10 minutes, it was over. I felt light-headed but the same sweet nurse guided me to my husband. My vision was good but foggy. The numbness wore off in the car. I was told to go home and sleep for 4/5 hours but there was some pain. My eyes watered for a couple of hours. They gave me eye shields to sleep in. I fell asleep several times but awoke. I applied a regimen of drops which they prescribed with a chart/check list to ensure they are used effectively. I had a Rx drop for pain the first day and it seemed to help. After 2 hours I fell asleep and had dinner with my husband that night.
I COULD SEE! Amazing. It’s been about 10 days and I have had 3 post-op appointments with my local optometrist that recommended Slade/Baker. All is well, healing nicely, 20/20 vision. It took a good 5 days to feel back to normal and for some redness to go away. I was able to work just fine with a lot of artificial tear drops and my Rx drops. Great experience. I really appreciate the care they took with me! It was priceless!