Today is an exciting day at Slade & Baker Vision Center!
We are happy to report that the doctors here at Slade & Baker just completed one of the first crosslinking cases in an FDA trial with a new company. Dr. Slade completed the first cases of the National ACOS trial.
The patients did great and we are excited to see the results!
If you or any of your loved ones have keratoconus or post lasik ectasia, this clinical trial can potentially help them stop the progression of these eye diseases.
We invite you to read more about this trial on our website under our clinical trials tab.
We love informing our patients about the newest procedures that can help them with their eye conditions. The doctors here at Slade & Baker Vision Center like to stay at the brink of technology and are always looking for new ways to help their patients.

Please call us at [mn_location pid=’128′]{tel}[/mn_location] if you have an eye condition that you are interested in treating today!