Nothing is more REAL than when a patient asks to share his or her experience with everyone. Mr. Kauffman had surgery with us and asked that we let others know about both his time and his son’s time with us. Read below to get a patient’s perspective in HIS WORDS!
“I can’t believe I’m doing this because I’m normally reserved and keep my opinions to myself. After all, who really cares? Right! Well I hope you do.
Over the course of the last 12 years I have had the privilege of interacting with most of the staff at Slade and Baker Vision Center in Houston, Texas. My first experience was with my son who had LASIK surgery performed by Dr. Slade in 2002.
After I observed how they treated my son, I quickly became a convert. I was impressed with how the Slade and Baker family took care of my son and treated him like an individual and not just a patient.
Finally, my age caught up with me and instead of my normal yearly eye exams I needed to have cataract surgery. As long as it was my son’s eyes they were operating on I was fine with it. But once they told me that I needed surgery all kinds of thoughts went through my head. But just like I experienced with my son – they anticipated what I was going through and spent quality time with me to ease my anxieties. I almost have the grape analogy memorized (if you ever have cataract surgery you will know what I’m referring too – it’s best if you hear from either Dr. Essa, Dr. Baker or Dr. Walton) but I can assure you they were all very sincere and compassionate when they shared this analogy.
With any surgery there always seems to be options and cataract surgery is no different.
I was surprised by how many different options there were. And the best part is that they provide you with all the options available and let you make up your mind which option works best for you. There was never any pressure applied for a particular option. The prices were fair and reasonable and they scheduled the surgery around your schedule not theirs. (Did I mention that they treat you like an individual and not a patient?)
I would not hesitate for a minute to recommend Slade and Baker to anyone looking for eye doctors who care about you as in individual and offer the best vision care in Texas. Not only are the doctors first class but their professional staff understands the meaning of customer service.”
Mr. Kauffman, there is no doubt that your testimony and experience are so valuable to us as well as to our potential patients that are reading this. We thank you for sharing this with us and for being so willing to share it with the web!
If you are looking to have LASIK or LASER Cataract Surgery, please call us at Slade & Baker Vision Center to schedule an evaluation today at