Dr. Stephen Slade implants the first Trulign Toric Crystalens in the United States at Slade & Baker Vision Center in Houston, TX!
Join us in our excitement as we announce the first Toric Crystalens ever implanted right here in our clinic in Houston!
As mentioned last week in our blog, we knew we would be one of the first, but Dr. Slade continues his long streak of firsts today, June 4th, 2013 as the first surgeon to implant a TRULIGN Toric IOL!

This will be the ONLY lens on the market that will provide accommodation as well as fix astigmatism! This intraocular lens provides correction for astigmatism while delivering a broad range of improved vision for patients undergoing cataract surgery. The FDA granted full approval of this lens on May 21st, 2013. Please click here for the Press Release and to read more about its approval.
Dr. Slade was actually the first surgeon to implant the first standard Crystalens IOL ever available in the United States and presented it to the FDA for its approval. Therefore, Dr. Slade’s experience with Crystalens lenses goes farther than any other surgeon in the nation! He has the longest experience with this lens as well as other important refractive surgeries (i.e. LASIK) in the country. With TRULIGN, he continues making ophthalmic history today!
This lens can correct up to around 3 diopters of astigmatism and has unsurpassed FDA results in uncorrected vision, stability and reduction of astigmatism. Not only does this lens correct astigmatism but it also adds near vision for most patients, something no other lens on the market currently does. The TRULIGN may be able to correct all of a patient’s refractive errors, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery, and also add near vision.
Please click here for last week’s blog about TRULIGN!
It is important when getting any form of medical treatment to know all of your options. The doctors here inform our patients of everything they need to know about surgical options and have the experience to know that an informed patient is a successful patient.
Please call us today to schedule your consultation at
and remember to ask about the Toric Crystalens if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a cataract and astigmatism as well!