How does sunlight affect your eyes?


We all know sunlight can definitely affect our skin (i.e. wrinkles, sun spots, moles, skin cancer, etc.). However, did you know it could also really affect your eyes? Along with causing growths on the white part of your eyes (pingueculae, pterygiums), sunlight can also damage your retina and cause cataracts. Most of us just think…

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Dr. Stephen Slade on Great Day Houston!


Over 2 years ago Dr. Stephen Slade performed the first bladeless laser cataract surgery in the United States, using a femtosecond laser. Dr. Slade was recently featured on Great Day Houston describing this procedure and its added benefits. “We feel it adds a lot of precision, accuracy and reproducibility to a delicate operation.” Click here…

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Laser Eye Surgery

Cataracts & Cataract Surgery


Many people may suffer from cataracts for a long period of time without realizing that they are experiencing cataract symptoms. Most cataract patients will say that colors aren’t as bright as they think they should be and may have a difficult time driving at night. The affects of Cataracts can come on slowly and gradually….

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Eye diagram

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month!


Glaucoma is considered a thief of sight. There are virtually no symptoms and once vision is lost, it’s gone for good. As much as 40% of vision can be lost before someone notices what is happening. This condition is considered the leading cause of preventable blindness. There are two main types of glaucoma. First is…

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Lasik Testimonial @ 11 days post surgery


“Would you tell Dr. Slade for me a HUGE THANK YOU! I am seeing 20/20. It is wonderful to see this great! I am just driving around Houston seeing things I have not seen in six years. I now believe in MIRACLES and the great Dr. Slade, Dr. Baker and their wonderful team. You changed…

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