AUGUST is Cataract Awareness Month!


August is CATARACT AWARENESS MONTH!If you are over 60 years old and feel that your vision is changing, contact us for a cataract evaluation!More than 22 million Americans have cataracts. They are the leading cause of blindness in the world. They can start in one eye first or can develop in both eyes around the…

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Eye diagram

Dr. Stephen Slade presenting at ASCRS in San Francisco


As many of you may already know, Dr. Stephen Slade was the first surgeon in the United States to perform both LASIK and LASER Cataract Surgery. Besides being a pioneer in his field of refractive surgery and corneal surgery, Dr. Slade is also an esteemed speaker that ophthalmologists from all over the world come to…

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Ophthalmology Symposium

Super Doctors at Slade & Baker Vision Center


Join us in congratulating Slade & Baker Vision Center’s very own doctors for being named to the Rising Stars list for 2013! This is an honor received by NO more than 2.5% of physicians in a particular state or region. Now that is a small percentage. And as most of you know, the state of…

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