Dr. Slade Presented AECOS Visionary Award

In the news

Today is an exciting day at Slade & Baker Vision!  I’m happy to announce a guest blogger today, our own Dr. Bennett Walton.  He specifically asked if he could write this post himself, and how could I say no?! ————- At the recent meeting of the American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery, which was held in…

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Dr. Walton And Dr. Slade

Is Poor Sleep Linked to Glaucoma?

Dry eyes,Eye health,Ophthalmology houston

The Link Between Poor Sleep and Glaucoma The American Academy of Ophthalmology reported that a study conducted in the US released that over 6,700 people over 40 years old revealed a possible connection between having glaucoma and having sleep problems. The optic nerve is responsible for sending signals from your eye to your brain, and…

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Woman in bed looking at her phone

Glasses for Fashion? Do Glasses Make You Look Better?

Lasik surgery

Did you know that some patients like to wear glasses just for fashion reasons? Did we ever think we would see that day? If you have LASIK, PRK, SMILE, ICL, refractive lens exchange, or modern laser cataract surgery and you aren’t as dependent on glasses as you were before, you can still get plain glass…

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Surprised young woman wearing glasses