It’s 2021. What Can We Do About Presbyopia?

Presbyopia,Presbyopia houston

Presbyopia is probably the single most frustrating “untreatable” condition right now to the general public. It’s the reason the iPhone font size goes up as you pass your 40th birthday, it’s the reason you have trouble reading a menu or your bill at a restaurant, it’s the reason your arms don’t feel long enough…and finally,…

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Presbyopia woman straining her eyes looking at a computer screen

LASIK In Your Off-Season

Lasik surgery

As many of us are just recuperating this week from the Super Bowl fun, we thought it would be interesting to touch upon pro athletes and how they handle vision and LASIK. It’s pretty obvious that good vision is vital to an elite athlete’s performance.  They need it for their job and the better he…

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Football player

Summit Surgery Center: Making A Difference in Our Surgery Patients’ Lives Part 1

Cataract surgery houston,Laser cataract surgery houston

On Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, our surgeons, Dr. Stephen Slade and Dr. Bennett Walton arrive at Summit Ambulatory Surgery Center, located approximately 1 short mile away from our office, ready for surgery day.  Dr. Slade and Dr. Walton perform Cataract Surgery, Implantable Contact lens (ICL) surgery, Pterygium Removal, Lamellar Keratectomy, and any other corneal procedure…

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Give Yourself the Gift of Vision: Use your HSA for LASIK

Lasik surgery

It’s about that time of year again, when patients start using their Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Savings Accounts to pay for their laser vision correction procedures (i.e. LASIK). This year has changed a lot of things, but one thing that has not changed is how using your HSA funds towards LASIK is a smart…

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HSA Card

Masks Can Dry Out Your Eyes

Dry eyes

They are essential these days, and something most of us are all too familiar with: MASKS. This new necessary accessory has taken some getting used to. Many of us have gone from basic disposable masks to high quality, reusable masks, accessories for our masks, and some unfortunate circumstances that come from wearing these masks. Some…

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Mask associated Dry Eye